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Children's Audio Books

Unabridged recordings of audio books for children, made available through Bolinda

Airing time: Weekdays, 6:30am, with weekend catch-ups 7am Sat and Sun

Thank you to Bolinda, BorrowBox and Puke Ariki Library for providing Access Radio Taranaki with audiobooks and permission to broadcast.

Currently playing: 

Title:  Boy, Everywhere

Written by: A.M. Dassu 

Age Category: Children (10+) 

Award winning author

Shortlisted Diverse Book Award / Best Children's Novel 2021
Longlisted UKLA Book Awards 2022
Winner Little Rebels Award 2021

A story of survival, family and bravery. In a world where we are told to see refugees as 'other', this story reminds listeners that 'they' are also 'us'.

Sami loves his life in Damascus, Syria. He hangs out with his best friend playing video games, he's trying out for the football team, he adores his family and gets annoyed by them in equal measure. But his comfortable life gets sidetracked abruptly after a bombing in a nearby shopping mall. Knowing that the violence will only get worse, Sami's parents decide they must flee their home for the safety of the UK.

Boy, Everywhere chronicles their harrowing journey and struggle to settle in a new land. Forced to sell all their belongings and leave their friends and beloved grandmother behind, Sami and his family travel across the Middle East to Turkey, where they end up in a smuggler's den. From there, they cross the treacherous waters of the Mediterranean and manage to fly to England only to be separated and detained in an immigration prison for the crime of seeking asylum. Yet the transition from refugee to immigrant in a new life will be the greatest challenge Sami has ever faced.


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