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Volly Voices

Marie and Graham bring you Volly Voices. Bringing you information about the not-for-profit or for-purpose sector.

Airing time: Sundays at 2pm

Marie Riordan, manager of Volunteering New Plymouth and Graham Ault bring you Volly Voices. Bringing you information about the not-for-profit or for-purpose sector. They will be hosting representatives from community organisations, groups and clubs within the community, and from time to time, people who volunteer within our community. We will also be announcing information about the latest roles available.

If you are interested in any of the roles or information you hear on the show, please contact Volunteering New Plymouth on 06 758 8986 or email admin@volunteeringnewplymouth,nz or find our website

Sponsored by Volunteering New Plymouth Trust.

 Click here to explore past episodes from 2023


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Click on the title of an episode to listen

St John Caring Callers

Rebecca shares insight into all the options of volunteering with St John and more in-depth information on the Caring Caller roles. Then Marie shares the current roles that are online.

Duration: 00:26:54 | Date: 21 July, 2024

Hardship to Hope

Taranaki Health Foundation - HArdship to Hope project leaders Grant and Tasha share information about how this project has impacted our community.

Duration: 00:29:54 | Date: 7 July, 2024

National Volunteer Week

Marcia Millard shares her experiences as a volunteer, and Marie & Graham talk about the Volunteer Recognition Awards Awardees.

Duration: 0:28:11 | Date: 16 June, 2024

Women's Center New Plymouth

Leanne shares insights into what the Women's Center is involved with on a day-to-day basis.

Leanne and Marie share and talk about the role of Evernts Person for their 50th anniversary in 2050. Marie also shares other roles on the VNP website.

Duration: 00:27:55 | Date: 9 June, 2024

WISE Projects

Petunia and Jenna of WISE (Waitara Initiatives Supporting Employment) share insights into what they are currently doing in the community and how their initiatives have a positive impact on our community.

Marie shares the next training sessions on 3 steps for Life and Fitness Awareness and Stress Awareness - both free!

Duration: 00:28:41 | Date: 26 May, 2024

All Heart Waitara

Deena Coster of Te Ara Hou Charitable Trust All Heart Waitara shares insights about the Waitara Store and the volunteers she is looking to recruit. Marie shares the role that VNP has for this organisation.

Duration: 0:27:46 | Date: 12 February, 2024

St Vincent de Paul

Kevin Hartfield, one of the coordinators of St Vincent de Paul shares insights into all the projects that the local conference is involved with.

Marie then shares information on Volunteer Recognition Awards which is being held on June 15th and calling on nominations which close on May 3rd.

Duration: 00:28:36 | Date: 28 April, 2024

North Taranaki Arts Society

Derek Hughes shares insights into the day-to-day activities of life at the Gables with art. Marie shares the latest roles for volunteers.

Duration: 00:28:46 | Date: 14 April, 2024

Community Patrols

Don Roper of Community Patrols New Plymouth District shares insights about what the do in the community and how they support the police. Marie then shares her current volunteer roles in our community.

Duration: 00:27:38 | Date: 31 March, 2024

What You Can Expect From CAB

John Howes of Citizen's Advice Bureau shares information and insights about what you can expect when contacting them for advice. Marie shares roles for KiwiMan and Oxfam.

Duration: 00:29:47 | Date: 17 March, 2024

Seasons for Growth

Judy Wood, coordinator and trainer of the Seasons for Growth in Taranaki shares information about the programmes and how you can volunteer as a companion.
Marie shares roles for Seasons for Growth companions, Red Cross and St Vincent de Paul.

Duration: 00:27:51 | Date: 3 March, 2024