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WITT on a Thursday

Seven talented high school students who are studying radio broadcasting at WITT showcase what they have learned and what WITT has to offer.

Airing time: Live show: 11:30am Thursdays; Pre-record show: 3pm Thursdays

In 2024, WITT is running a Broadcasting course for 10 Taranaki students, tutored by Bryan Vickery.  With no radio studios on campus, there is limited opportunity for students to learn some of the practical aspects of the course or to broadcast their programmes.

Access Radio Taranaki 104.4FM (ART) is a Taranaki’s Access Community radio station, where community groups and individuals can come to the station and receive the support, training and resources that they need in order to have their voice(s) heard. 

The opportunity for collaboration between WITT and ART is perfect.

Click here to listen to past episodes from 2021-2023


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Click on the title of an episode to listen

WITT on a Thursday 13-06-2024 Ephraim, Zak and Leah - Live

In this show we talked about what we have been up to since we haven't been around for 2 weeks. Movies, a variety concert, Rockquest, Ball, food, Work experience and how it was our final show.

Duration: 0:28:57 | Date: 13 June, 2024

WITT on a Thursday 13-06-2024 Ephraim, Zak and Leah - Prerecord

Guests include Phil Gayton and Geetha Kutty. We talk about what we want to be and how modest all our speakers are, as well as some soundbites from the students.

Duration: 0:27:4 | Date: 13 June, 2024

Amma, Ed and Orlando - Live

In this episode, we talked about performance and our experiences surrounding it. We discussed Smokefree Rockquest 2024, Legally Blonde and stage shows.

Duration: 00:30:12 | Date: 6 June, 2024

Amma, Ed and Orlando

We talk about humility and self-worth, featuring guest speakers from Women's Refuge - Shona and Georgia, and Pentunia Twala.

Duration: 00:29:06 | Date: 6 June, 2024

Tainui and Tamati - Live

Keeping it casual - Today Tamati and Tai talk about fashion and clothing.

Duration: 00:27:22 | Date: 30 May, 2024

30-05-2024 Tainui and Tamati - Prerecord

Talking about volunteering and helping out in the community with special guest Te Waka Mcleod.

Duration: 00:26:44 | Date: 30 May, 2024

23-05-2024 Zack, Ed & Maia - Prerecord

We talk about the importance of role models and how they influence our lives. We also ask New Plymouth District Councillor, Dinner Moeahu to come into WITT and share some wise and informative words.

Duration: 00:23:50 | Date: 23 May, 2024

23-05-2024 Zack, Ed and Maia - Live

The trio talks a bunch about the crazy media we've seen online, our thoughts on the changing social scene, and upcoming movies.

Duration: 00:29:10 | Date: 23 May, 2024

16-05-2024 Orlando & Tamati - Prerecord

We were joined by Angela Fergurson, who is in change of hospitality at WITT.

Duration: 00:24:51 | Date: 16 May, 2024

16-05-2024 Orlando, Tamati & Tai - Live

Talking about mental health and wellbeing. Remember to always reach out for help.

Duration: 00:27:54 | Date: 16 May, 2024

09-05-2024 Ephraim & Leah - Prerecord

Live concerts, forest and bird life, elderly abuse, and a pep talk from guests Richard and Sarah.

Duration: 00:30:24 | Date: 9 May, 2024

09-05-2024 Ephraim & Leah - Live

Ephraim and Leah talked about leadership roles, powerlifting, parliament, English trips, and Bryan's girlfriend. We also have an exclusive performance by Ephraim.

Duration: 00:27:11 | Date: 9 May, 2024

02-05-2024 Zack, Ed, and Amma - Prerecord

The yap trio has a yarn about the new cell phone ban in school and what the youth think about it, and celebrates Shirley Houstons's 100th birthday.

Duration: 00:29:02 | Date: 2 May, 2024

02-05-2024 Zack, Ed, and Amma - Live

The yap trio discussed drama, upcoming productions, our midshow escapades, and how much we'd spend on clothes and concerts.

Duration: 00:29:02 | Date: 2 May, 2024

11-04-2024 Ephraim and Maia - Live

Ephraim and Maia discussed a few different topics regarding the ball, surfing, volleyball holiday plans and out WITT crew back at Te Pukenga. Listen in and you'll even hear some melodic singing by Ephraim.

Duration: 00:29:46 | Date: 11 April, 2024

11-04-2024 Ephraim and Maia - Prerecord

We had Sydnie Maxwell as a guest speaker for the interviews and we talked about our opinion on cats.

Duration: 00:22:46 | Date: 11 April, 2024

04-04-2024 Tai and Tamati - Prerecord

Talking about our pet peeves, and also has on a special guest - WITT Chaplin, Chris Lee.

Duration: 00:21:09 | Date: 4 April, 2024

04-04-2024 Tai and Tamati - Live

Talking about kickboxing, music, shoes and Easter weekend.

Duration: 00:27:16 | Date: 4 April, 2024

28-03-2024 Leah and Orlando - Prerecord

Leah and Orlando talk about time, then chat with April and Alex from Pole FX about pole fitness, and then with Sam Bennet an NPDC councillor and funeral celebrant.

Duration: 00:23:45 | Date: 28 March, 2024

28-03-2024 Leah and Orlando - Live

Leah and Orlando each share their personal taste in pop culture, from movies and music, to dance and stage shows.

Duration: 00:27:44 | Date: 28 March, 2024

21-03-2024 Amma and Maia - Live

Amma and Maia cover the topic of all things lifestyle, what hostel vs day girl is like, the upcoming ball, their leadership positions, and how the year's going so far.

Duration: 00:28:05 | Date: 21 March, 2024

21-03-2024 Amma and Maia - Pre-record

We showcase the talent of our fellow students at WITT and hear from our special guests that we interviewed. This week's special guest is Graham Chard, Ex-military and current president of the NP RSA.

Duration: 00:27:34 | Date: 21 March, 2024