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Talking Taiao

Our mission is to inspire and support people, businesses, and communities to value our local taiao (environment) and act to prioritize sustainability.

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With a mixture of Māori and English, the Taringa podcast the perfect way to learn te reo and tikanga Māori in a fun and relaxed way.

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Te reo Māori

te ara taiao

Te Ara Taiao

Te Ara Taiao, a collaborative environmental education programme in Taranaki. It aims to enhance connections between hapū, Iwi, schools and community, to develop leadership, and work together to enhance the mauri and ecology of our rohe.

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The Computer Chap Show

Understanding and using digital technology, with Steve Green

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Interests & Hobbies


The Ethne Hours

The Ethne Hours is 2 hours of uninterrupted music from the swing era by artists such as Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, Dean Martin and many, many more.

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The Folk Music Hour

David Calder presents the music he loves in The Folk Music Hour.

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The Groove Yard

James Eaton visits The Groove Yard and rummages through recorded relics finding forgotten 45s, long lost LPs and great golden gems from the music of the 20th Century.

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The Law Lady

With a sense of humour and no-nonsense approach, Angela Solomons, from Taranaki Community Law, manages to de-mystify the legal issues.

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The Unity Show

Have you ever wanted to learn about new cultures? If so, then this show is the one for you! I'll be talking about different cultures, from ethnic cultures and how people identify.

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The Untold Stories of Life

Host Ehsan Mobini talks with guests about the parts of our lives that we normally don't get asked about.

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The Well.I.Am Podcast

Hosts Paul Rangiwahia and Andrew Murray explore practical insights from Paul’s Mental Warrant of Fitness (WOF) artwork—an innovative framework for mental well-being.

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Health & Wellbeing

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Una Lloradita y a Seguir

Unite a Mari y Clari en "Una lloradita y a seguir".
Un podcast en español que refleja una charla de amigas en un café (o bar).

Join Mari and Clari on 'Una lloradita y a seguir', a Spanish-language podcast that mimics a cozy cafe chat among friends.

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Ethnic Diversity


Volly Voices

Marie and Graham bring you Volly Voices. Bringing you information about the not-for-profit or for-purpose sector.

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Where's Waru?

Where's Waru? He's right here! Waru has a huge range of interests and intrigues, and he's not afraid to share.

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Interests & Hobbies