Be a Programme Sponsor, explore our advertising and community sponsorships and connect your business with a Taranaki audience that truly listens.
Download our media packBecoming a supporter of one of our programmes is a mutually beneficial opportunity. Not only will you know you’re supporting the voices of the community, but you’ll also enable Content Creators to get heard.  You’ll reach a diverse and inclusive audience across the motu and beyond.
Becoming a sponsor of one of our programmes is a mutually beneficial opportunity. Not only will you align your business or organisation with an individual programme, receive great name recognition during the broadcast, but you’ll get promoted through a series of promotional trailers, receive some name credits on air, have your logo appear on the programme promo on our website, get promoted across our Social Media platforms, have your logo appear on our Programme flyers and get your logo on the highly visible Sponsors Board in the window of our studios in the Top Town Cinema Complex.
We have a variety of sponsorship options for your consideration. Reach out to connect with us to have our media offerings sent straight to your inbox or arrange a quick, no obligation catch up.